// 听不清 "Sorry, you’re breaking up a bit. Could you please say that again?" "I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Please say it again." "Could you repeat that please?" "Could you speak a little louder please?" "The line is very bad. Could I call you back?" "I’m calling about…" // 等会儿 "Would you mind holding for a minute while I check?" "One moment please." "One moment. Please stay on the line."
"Ok, let’s get started" // 介绍 "Today’s meeting is about…" "These are the issues that we want to talk about. " // 开始吧 "Let me share my screen with you." "Can I share my screen with you?" "Do you want me to make it bigger?" // 听不清 "Could you speak more slowly, please" "Could you repeat/explain that again?" "Could you repeat that last bit, please?" "Could you speak up please (a little louder)?" "I didn’t get that I am sorry could you say it again?" "Could you go through that again because I didn’t quite understand it?" "I didn’t quite get it. Perhaps you could go through that again." // 有问题 "I am having trouble hearing you." "I think I may have a problem with the connection." "The screen is blank." "The screen is frozen / You’re frozen." "The image and sound are out of sync." "There’s a bit of an echo on the line." "I am having trouble hearing you. Would you mind unmuting it?" // 来晚了,你们唠啥了 "What have we done so far?" "What have we covered so far?" // 有个小问题 "Sorry, would you mind if I asked a question?" "Just to clarify are you saying that…" "Could I interrupt you for a minute?" "Would you mind if I jumped in there, please?" "Would you mind if I butted in? (American English)" "Can I stop you for just one minute, please?" "One minute please, it seems we haven’t discussed…" "One minute, please. Could we go back over it because I’ve got some questions?" // 到点了 "We’re running out of time. Let’s move on to the next meeting for next Wednesday." "I think we can leave this here for today." // 再说吧 "We can pick this up again tomorrow/next week/on Wednesday."
Always keep learning.